Friday, November 7, 2008

The times, they are a changing

now usually, i am a big supporter for the time change, especially when we 'fall back'. however, i'm feeling a little down with the way this particular time change is affecting my world. for instance, when i wake up the sun is shooting through my window onto my face and wakes me up hours before my alarm clock will, but i feel more energized in the morning when the sun is out, and i feel like my day started hours ago. but then it gets dark outside; and fast. when i leave work, roughly around 5:01 (but who's counting) its almost pitch black, and i already feel tired and like my time is running out. so i race home to try and save some precious moments of my day, only to see that it is only 5:30 p.m. and i still have time for all my evening duties. it's so strange how electricity changes things; i learned in one of my fancy community college classes, that people would go to sleep when the sun set, and wake up when the sun went down. but then electricity came into play and people stayed up longer, and woke up at the same time, throwing off the original sleep cycle. i think that is all i learned in that class...

(this is a picture to change the subject-however, duke and i are not the subject)
the subject is this fine man:

thats my rockstar husband and he kicks ass. 

he also...
is a mans man- a hunter really

world class cuddler and papa to our duke...

not only stares danger in the face, but puts his head in it's mouth...

and he's my best friend.

I am the luckiest girl in the world. true story.

1 comment:

Megan said...

you know, he is a pretty lucky guy too! And Duke! Oh, he is just adorable!