Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Facts of life, the facts of life...

nathan and i are totally forgetful. it is just a fact of life. and too bad we both are, because if he puts something down and forgets where he puts it, i could be the one to say "dear, you left it in the kitchen!" but no such luck. i am just as forgetful, if not more.

nathan always tells me it is a good thing he never got into smoking pot because then be would be totally screwed. he's right, he would be. but it could be worse, we could be crazy into dolls or paint each others nails, but we just are forgetful. we forget our shoes, what time it is, what we were about say, who we were about to call, the rest of our stories- its actually quite annoying.

so, with that said, we lost our camera, and believe you me, we looked everywhere. in our coat jackets, in our luggage, in our cars, under our bed, in the closet- it's nowhere to be seen. it was a killer camera we got for our wedding...what a bummer.

its funny because our good friends joey and janvier lost their camera as well, so we think that our cameras ran off together and are taking dirty pictures of each other. ok, that is my hypothesis but whatever. so we bought a new camera a couple days ago, and it pretty awesome. 

this is our new camera, and it is too legit to quit.
on another note, i feel like lately i have been writing about a lot of deep and pretty heavy stuff, which i think is awesome, but sometimes, you gotta just let go and take some random pictures. these are some random pictures taken on our new camera. enjoy friends!

so thats all. i guess you can tell what takes up most of the pictures on our camera (our duke). hope you all are having great weeks!

1 comment:

January Mamma said...

Your camera was very slim and sleek - mine probably couldn't resist. I think they dev-ELOPED. Get it? Congrats on the new one. I think my parents might get us one for Christmas.