Monday, November 10, 2008

i heart november

today was a good one, and here's why- i didnt take my sweater off. hear me out. on most days, i leave the house wearing a cozy comfy sweater and by mid-afternoon, it is balled up in the corner of my small cubicle, waiting to be used for tomorrow. 
but not today.

today it stayed on. 

today it kept me warm and happy. it was cool outside. and crisp. and smelled wonderful. today took me back years, years when we ran outside playing until we were tired of being sticky and hot. our lungs ached for air, but we payed no attention to the needs of anything but 'the right now'. 

i thought a lot about my life today.

where i'm going. how im going to get there. who will i get t
here with. what will i be doing until then. will i change lives. will mine change. these thoughts flooded my head and i thought about my family and friends.

and i wasnt disappointed.


Megan said...

very cool. I know one thing for sure-you will most definitely change lives.

[kelly] said...

you heart november, but i heart casey :0)

[kelly] said...

oops that comment was from kelly, and that was from a blog we made in my journalism class