Saturday, November 8, 2008


one of my vices is target. everything from the popcorn and soda combo ($1.50!!) to the very distinct smell of target, makes me happy. and for a brief moment, i am overwhelmed by all the possibilities.. i could get a new outfit and plasma screen if i wanted too. that place answers prayers, i tell ya. 
so lately nathan and i have wanted to get another bookshelf for our living room since our books now are just resting on other books and becoming...well just silly looking. so i went online and couldnt find anything worth buying, but as i went there today i found an awesome bookshelf that matches our other book shelf, and looks awesome. 
So i love target but there is one problem- i always happen to wear red shirts when i go to target. anyone who goes to target knows why this is a problem. the employees of target have a simple uniform: brown pants and red shirts. they dont have a specific red shirt, so when i go there in my usual red shirt, i am always asked for help. "ma'am," they say to me "where is the laundry soap?" or "young lady, where in the world do you keep our diabetic candy?" dont even get me started on why the asian culture seems to seek me out and ask me questions in their native tongue. i'm white. like wonder bread. like apple pie. like netflix. 


R-becca said...

I love Target too...I am going there in about 2 hours and cannot wait. Although, I won't let myself walk through the clothes section until I get another job.

Megan said...

oh YES, I absolutely agree with EVERYthing you said about Target. When we would come home for furloughs I would have Jason drop me off there for a few hours at a time LOL. Seriously cracking up about people thinking you're an employee.