is happy to be there.

it is just a place with old time charm and a lot of neat things to look at. cute restaurants, over priced antique shops, soda fountains, cute bars, and an army navy store. plus, it has a really cute fountain in the middle and a bunch of christmas decorations up. this time of season just makes everything more inviting.
so anyway, we started off eating breakfast at watsons. i had the eggs benedict and nay had the denver omelet and biscuits and gravy. breakfast food is just the best. it is warm and sweet and is such a great way to start off a day, let alone a saturday.
so we ate and then headed home to get ready for the main event- knotts berry farm. kips dad is a veteran and for knotts, november is the month to honor them with discounted prices! what a great gift! so we all headed down there to spend the day riding rides and eating WAY overpriced food. literally, for fries and a drink, it was $8. isnt that insane? however, the best part of the evening was when nathan, kip, blue, truman, matt, and myself decided to ride big foot rapids.
at night.
when it's cold.
and we were still going on rides.
but it was amazing. we laughed and screamed and got really, really wet. kip mostly, but as life would have it, i was right next to him and got a good amount as well. we went on a few more rides, then called it quits to head home- but not until we went on big foot rapids again. but with everyone (except christine who held all of our stuff! you kick ass!). kips dad kept yelling at me to lean (like that was going to help us avoid the tidal wave coming towards us) and jessica (kips sister) and matt (kips brother) stayed totally dry. it was disgusting.
we got off the ride and headed back to kips house to watch some movies and eat some good food. however, i am a total wuss and was exhausted so nay and i left a little early and went to bed. i hate that i cant stay up late anymore- it makes me feel so old. i'm 22 for crying out loud! at 9:30 i am bowing out and want nothing more than to snuggle up in my ikea sheets with my foxy husband in our phenomenal bed. (we have this truly amazing memory foam bed we got as a wedding gift from my nay's mom) and i believe that Jesus made that mattress with clouds and angel hair just for us, because it is holy.
so all in all, yesterday was so much fun.
there is something to be said for spending time with friends, doing fun and exciting things. it feels like home when you are with these people. it feels like how the world is supposed to be. it gives me hope in my generation to spend time with the people who i know will change it. there is no way that nathan, and truman, and kip, and blue will leave this world and not change it for the better. it's just not possible. they are good, and wholesome men who will leave this world better than they way they found it.
i love my friends. i guess that is the moral of the story. here are some pictures of our wonderful day together. enjoy!
2 comments: make me miss living in Orange. I love the circle. And I've ALWAYS wanted to be in bed by 10:00...totally normal! :)
Just an FYI, the last time Buzzy wore "The Killer Kills the Wrong Person" shirt to Disneyland (Kip is awesome), Disney police/bag checker told him he had to cover the shirt up. We couldn't believe it.
Clearly they could tell Buz was a terrorist. Hoodlums and their dandgum t-shirts...
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