Tuesday, November 4, 2008


it rained. not just a soft slow rain, but a nice flow of rain, the kind where you run extremely clumsily to your car in hopes to stay as dry as possible. only problem is, it only happened in the wee hours of the morning when my alarm clock wasnt even THINKING of waking me up, and my dog was taking up most of the bed. by the way, have you met the duke?

that is a whole other story which i will get to soon, but for now, lets stick to november. can you believe it's november? thanksgiving dinners filled with turkey and family members, and then christmas right behind. Isnt it awesome that there is not only a holiday in that last 3 months of the year (halloween- october, thanksgiving- november, christmas-december) but they get better and better. halloween is cool, it kicks ass if you are creative and go as mother earth or the new testament (yeah someone totally went as that!) but still just a little holiday-you dont even get it off work, so that doesnt count. then we have thanksgiving which is awesome. good food, great people, and 2 days off work. then it is the mama of holidays; Christmas. Christmas is like the queen bee, head honcho, 'the man', the whole ball of wax, all the marbles- THE holiday. 
Christmas brings me joy and here is why. people are buying gifts for other people. we cruise the busy and over crowed malls to find 'the gift' the gift that will pale in comparisons to all the other gifts they may get this year. and when you find it, oh the joy and the happiness! you leave that store puffed with the slightest bit of pride that you may have made someones holiday. i dig it. plus, everyone is in jackets and mittens, and the scarves come out from the closet, and the world is good. there are gifts, and there is good, and there is rain. 

1 comment:

Megan said...

I LOVE your wedding dress- wish we wouldve been in the country for that monumental day. Ohhh....I'm even more excited about the holidays now!