what a great weekend thus far! thanksgiving was fun and relaxing, and just great to be with family. we all gathered 'round at the old nichols' house, and ate some amazing food such as: green bean casserole (which nathan dropped taking out of the oven! it was so awesome) sweet potatoes, stuffing, mashed potatoes, jello salad, wild rice, sweet rolls, corn casserole, and last but not least, a deep fried turkey.
we were all so impressed with the turkey, this being our first deep frying experience. it was a little messy, but everyone liked it, and it came out tasting really yummy. we brought duke and he ran outside and was digging in the dirt, sniffing everything, and getting caught up in all the plants. he is such a great little guy! then the best part of the evening was when nay prayed for our meal and we had a great time while we sat around the table and ate all of the yummy food. there is something about a warm house and the smell of good food. everything seems just to fall into place.

conversations are funnier. hugs are more meaningful. words are kinder. these things just make the world go round. the saddest thing is that these feelings dont last until summer. they fade when we go back to work. when we do the laundry. when we go on with our lives. we forget that we loved the fall seasons so much, that they are worth fighting for.
they are always worth fighting for.
when we go on with the mundane. when we slowly start to stop buying things for each other and more for ourselves. when the displays in the stores go from jackets to bathing suits. when hot chocolate turns into iced teas, i just want to remember.
i have to remember.
for some reason this fall is changing me. it is making me a better person. if feels like the colder it gets and the more leaves that fall, the bigger my heart gets, and the bigger my hopes get. i feel more like a kid this fall, my eyes are wide and longing to see something new.
and i'm seeing it.
and i'm loving it.
it is changing everything. it makes cooking more fun and creative. it makes cleaning the house with my husband a gift, not a chore. it makes our house warmer. our conversations funnier. it makes life perfect. but perfect because it's not, but it is getting close. close to the way God intended. my husband and i are growing into the people we want to be for each other, and i believe, that God is happy, and that is an amazing feeling.
on the way home from thanksgiving, nay and i played the 'i'm thankful game' where were just talked about how thankful we are for the things we have. whether they be silly or important, just things we are thankful for: two cars, two jobs, a pup, great friends, an great place, our church, our family, mac's, bottled water, toilet paper, bacon, bears, alaska...the works.
being thankful is a great boat to be in.
and we are in that boat.
we hope that your thanksgivings were all fantastic, and you can all find many, many reasons to be thankful. if you need one, we can give you one- Home Alone is on tv right now. that is a great reason to be thankful.
here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!
THE JONES!! ah how i miss you guys. im so happy you sent me this link so i can somewhat know whats goin on in your lives! i appologize for not keeping in better contact, i was thinking of you guys last night and the good ol days at the HOD and realized i havent talked to you since March when me and neil dropped by! and i got really sad...
Anyhow, its so great to read that youre doing so well and had a great thanksgiving. I was kind of bummed at first, being so far from all my friends here in the middle of the mountains of Wyoming (which i now live, i dunno if you knew that...) but i looked around and saw the beauty before me and went to my pastors house where there was so many new people and food...and although my heart will always be with me dear friends, like you guys, and so many others...i am so thankful that God provides for us and is so beyond our understanding. He has such great plans for our lives, whether together or apart.
All that to say i miss you guys like crazy but im glad what the Lord is doing in our lives. I will write you a letter soon, so be checking your mail box! Until then, enjoy this picture of my baby, Moss...
oh how i wish him and duke could play together....one day....
(by the way...that dont look like the same duke i once knew long ago!! haha hes so cute...)
love you guys <3 tiffany
I'm thankful for Nay & Casey......they are sooooo flippin awesome!!!!! Love you guys, Kim
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new title photo of the two of you. Oh my gosh, you guys are gorgeous. (especially you!). I'm glad you had such a good weekend.
what an awesome post! and soo true. Really made me stop and think about a few small important things. it was really beautifully written. Glad you guys had a nice holiday! i officially love your blog. You guys are too cute. thanks for your sweet comment. anyone that makes up songs about their dog is ok by me ;) you're my kind of people.
oh! and that photo on your header.... freaking adorable.
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