oh lordy, what a week.
being unemployed is so exhausting. all i can seem to do is clean, cook, take duke for walks, and watch CSI on netflix. i have been trying to get in the habit of working out (i.e. running with the duke, using my workout videos) but i just cant seem to get in the hang of it.
nothing really has been motivating me, but i have been feeling better. i have been hanging out with friends, volunteering, talking with family, making yummy dinners, and applying for jobs.
honestly, i dont even know what i'm looking for anymore.
with every application filled out and every resume sent, i feel more and more frustrated. no one is responding. no one is calling back. no one e-mails back. this situation is so helpless.
but i am still learning.
i am learning that this is just the beginning and that it can only get better. i am learning that i have ignored some of my friends and i took amazing friendships and people for granted: because of a job. i am learning how to let my husband provide without the aid of my income. i am learning how to let go and how to trust my God.
i am learning that this too shall pass.
there is something that i need to be learning from all of this. something that i need to be meditating on; searching for. i am just so thankful that i have a husband who pushes me and who inspires me.
thank you all for the kind words and prayers that have sent our way. we are so thankful for all of you, and understand that it is harder for some more than others (Kim Guerrier, my lovely Megan, and Janvier) thank you both for keeping me sane this past week with calls and e-mails. i love you guys.
hope everything is going well for all of you out there in blogging land. i need a pick me up, so i want to hear something funny. see what you can do.
Your optimism truly inspires me. I know that no matter what you'll be fine because your strong! Strong physically, emotionally & intelligently but most of all strong in your faith. We both know that is what matters most. I'm constantly reminded that I focus too much on the temporal and not enough on the eternal. I thank God daily for everything he's provided and I'm so blessed that he's put you into my life. Much love, Kim
Captain says you are "freakin' awesome."
One morning a woman and her baby were taking a bus. As she entered the bus the driver says "Wow, that is one ugly baby." The woman was deeply hurt. She continued to get on to the bus and found a seat next to an elderly man.
The man asked her, "What's wrong You look sad."
"I am" she replied, "That bus driver just insulted me."
"You shouldn't take that from him" the man said, "He's a public worker and should give you respect. If I was you I would take his badge number and report him."
"You're right sir, I think I will report him."
The elderly man says, "You go on up there and get his badge number. I'll hold your monkey for you."
Yep, this one never fails to make me giggle and sometimes even pee my pants! Love ya Sassy!
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