Thursday, March 19, 2009

"...even when no one reads it"

so i know i told you all i was no longer going to be blogging, but a good friend of mine, the kind of friend that just knows where your heart is and pierces it with words that break through to even the hardest of hearts. this friend of mine, she said "you have to want to blog even when you know that no one will comment".

which got me thinking about why i blog and why it bothered me that no one commented. i felt like no one cared and honestly, that was one of my main reasons for starting it. i wanted people to become enthralled in our lives and long to be a part of it.

golly what was i thinking.

i want it: i want to keep up this blog even when no one reads it. but for me. for my sanity and for my husband. he loves it when i blog and that i have something for myself and something that i am actually good at. something that takes little to no effort but reaps so much in return.

i have a new found love for this blog.

no more false alarms. this time it is legit: the blog stays!

p.s. we got this amazing new camera (one the duke cant chew {insert crossed fingers} but i'm sure he wants to) and here are some pictures we took. let me know what you think all your professionals out there i.e. christine and the lovely ashley in seattle. enjoy!


Anonymous said...

your allowed to say that people don't comment too much, but you're not allowed to say that people don't read it. cause how would you know if we did anyway? and besides, you're wrong....
i check it all the chances i get on a computer. and i've talked to a lot of people that say they check it all the time and always wait for a new update.
so there.
: )

Celia Corrinne said...

I'm glad that you found enjoymemt in blogging that's why I wanted to start because I like to write :) Oh and just so you know I was reading yours and I loved it and the way you put words together and I'm excited for more!

Mrs. Ives said...

Oh good cameras! I LOVE them!

You're like a good camera, NicholsJonesy...when one looks at the world through your lens, everything looks better, sharper, brighter. There is more poetry in the simplest forms, more beauty in even the mundane.

Thanks for giving me a voice in your life. It is an honor.

January Mamma said...

Yea!! That's so funny, I was just going to leave a comment on the bloody stump of the last entry on here suggesting that you should at least continue updating us with all your new amazing photoshoots, and then to my startle-ization, you have done that and started writing again as well! Hooray! I agree with Beth by the way - all the time, on everything. Nice to have your heart back on my screen. :)