Saturday, March 21, 2009

Can a get a hell ya?!?

this morning was such a wonderful gift. nathan and i slept in, and when we finally did decide to get out of bed, all we did was retreat to the living room to finish off our netflix and make some breakfast. we cuddled beneath warm blankets as we munched on chocolate chip pancakes and let hot chocolate warm our insides.

so we ate breakfast, made some slideshows on the computer, finished up some homework, hung around for a little bit longer, and then decided to go to the park and get some good use out of our new camera.

it sounds silly, but the whole world feels more beautiful on the other side of a camera. to the point where as i am driving and looking out the window, i think of different shots i could take to make a 'stop' sign more beautiful, or trash in the gutter become art. it is just so empowering to have something that helps make the world look more beautiful and worth giving a second look.


Christine Lee Smith Photography said...

Hell ya! I love this:
"it sounds silly, but the whole world feels more beautiful on the other side of a camera."

It's not silly at all.

Ashley said...

glad youre back :)

January Mamma said...

Dude, you have to enable the "follow" option on your page. All the cool kids are doing it...

R-becca said...

Love your new pictures and am so glad you are back. Keeping it real.

Anonymous said...

Nice pics Casey! I am proud of you. It is cool to see your "eye" for photography.


Justine said...

amen christine! not silly at all.