Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The end

i've been doing a lot of thinking lately. you see, i have a job where i spend a lot of time doing small tasks, and those small tasks require little to no thought on my part, so i do a lot of day dreaming:

if i would win if i got into a fist fight.
what my life would be like if a married someone else.
if i started when i was little, would i be an expert chess player.
if i didnt mess around in school, would i be going to a fancy college.
would i be a good mom.
should we get another dog.

just all these random thoughts. another thought that came to mind was this blog.

no one reads it.

no one is interested.

and that is totally cool. our lives are not interesting enough to plug in every few times a month to see whats going on. so unless i find something earth shattering to write about, this will be my last post.

thank you all for reading it and wanting to be furniture in our weird lives. you guys are great.


Anonymous said...

I check it all the time silly girl. At least I know I can see you at church and catch up. Love you, Kim G.

Ashley said...

aw bummer! I enjoyed your blog! Sometimes people are reading even if they dont always comment :)

Anyway, good luck with everything!

R-becca said...

Ahhhh...nooooooooooooo. I check it every day for something new. I guess we could email each other, but I like the way you write this. Spend a minute and reconsider.

Justine said...

i'll miss reading your words and thoughts. you write beautifully and i think you're a fantastic person, Jean.

Anonymous said...

Last week I checked to see if you had written,
Three times.
If you really feel that it is a waste of your time then I'm thankful you're stopping, but if you do so because you think no one cares, you're mistaken.:)
Love to the jonesx,
Kindly, true-man

the dirty, blue eyed one said...

yes i love reading about your lives. i miss being apart of it! i miss hearing about all the funny stories from work or all the funny/mundane small details in your life. it makes me in a small way still feel a part of it all just reading about it.

im actually at my parents house right now til friday, i was only here a short while and had it in mind to go visit you all...but time is slipping away, and spent most the time here at my parents sick, or getting a root canal and recovering from that, and my grandpa was in the hospital for a few days really ill so im trying to spend as much time with him as i can and im really bummed that my time here is coming to an end and i still didnt see my doomers!!

i love you and miss you. and i understand what you mean about feeling like youre wasting time. thats your call. but like the others said, i also read and love your blog. <3

Mrs. Ives said...

Oh Casey, I know this feeling well. It is alot of energy to expend all the time, keeping up the blog. And when you threaten to stop all these people jump out of the woodwork and say "No, no, don't stop! I read your blog regularly (which I do, by the way)." But the truth is, YOU have to just love writing in it. And you have to want to write in a blog even if NO ONE reads it.

My friend, you can turn a phrase. You have a gift for writing. And so, please PLEASE keep writing, keep improving and changing your style and figuring out your voice. Even if it is just a journal. Don't stop the writing.

Blog or not.

January Mamma said...

I would love it if you kept going although I know if you don't, I can depend on your random phone calls to let me know what crazy or perplexing thing happened to you or someone around you that day. I love that.