Saturday, November 6, 2010


this whole finding something to be thankful for each day has been so good for me. honestly, sometimes i make myself sick thinking of the negatives each day.

it is nice to think of all the good things, and there are so many. throughout the day, something will happen and i'll think to myself "i should put this as part of my thankful blog".

it's really funny because right before i started writing, i checked online to check the class schedule to make sure the classes i need to register for are still open.

and they're not.

3 are open, as of now, but that might not be the case on monday when i need to register. and i really have no idea what i'm supposed to do.

but i'm thankful. thankful that i am able to go to school and pay for it without taking out loans or going into debt. it is a blessing that we so often take for granted. even with a mortgage, car payment, and our two iPhone phone bill we don't have to take out loans.

we are beyond blessed and have to make sure that we are giving back to God what was His in the first place. i am thankful that i have a husband who makes sure that we tithe and give back what isnt really ours anyway. i'm thankful that he is so dedicated to being good.

also, i am thankful for Fiona Apples version of "across the universe". if you haven't already heard it, you need to.

1 comment:

molly june. said...

being thankful everyday has changed me too. it reminds me, even on the crappy days, just how much i have to be thankful for still. it reminds me daily that God is good. God is sovereign. that i am blessed.

thanks for sharing your thankfulness :) i love reading along!