Wednesday, November 17, 2010


my car squeaks.

ALL the time. when i am in the parking structure at school it squeaks so loud fellow students cover their ears and give me that look like "do you have any idea how freaking loud your car is?!?"

oh, i know.

it is so loud it wakes up nathan as i leave for work. it's pathetic.

i finally had some time to take it in and have it looked at. the conclusion: a new belt costing $120. for one silly belt. i called up our good friend who is a mechanic and asked him if that was a reasonable price for the type of belt we needed to which he proceeded to tell me it was not. he offered to come by and look at.

today, i am thankful for good friends who are generous with their time and their talents. i am thankful for people who are smarter than me who can save me $100. i am thankful that i have a community of friends who can fulfill all those random but SUPER necessary needs that make like easier. for example:

Katie- amazing hair stylist. a gem. a true artist.
Truman- provides us with the best coffee i have EVER tasted. for free. and he delivers it.
Ricky- the mechanic of champs. knowledgable. helpful. and super kind.
Christine- an amazing photographer. truly knows how to make things beautiful.
Desiree- my massager and giver of free starbucks. what a peach.
Justin- taker awayer of the fleas brought in by our neighbors. has sprayed our house at least 6 times and does it in exchange for a warm homemade dinner.
(i'm sure i missed someone, so if i did write me an angry letter and i will add you to this prestigious list.)

we are beyond blessed to have the friends we have who help us the way they do.

1 comment:

Crazy blonde said...

lol. "angry letter". miss you like whoa.