i know it sounds silly, but i'm thankful for these.

we had lots of candy left over from halloween. nathan and i, not wanting to waste anything the Lord gives us, decided to start on this pile of deliciousness, and unfortunately, we have the same favorite candy "kit kat". we have been going through these bad boys like theres no tomorrow, and last night he saved the last one for me.
wanna know why? he said "cause you deserve it."
i'm thankful that he sees how hard i work at school, home, and work.
isnt that huge? isnt that what we all want in life? not the only thing in life, but isnt it something we all need in some aspect?
i'm thankful that he is mellow and i am not.
i am thankful that he is calm and cool and i am passionate and a firecracker.
i'm thankful that at 20, i married the man that the Lord made just for me.

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