Thursday, November 4, 2010

day 2

this is day 2 of being thankful.

today i am thankful for dominick.

he is my most favorite student in the class i work in. yet, he is also the most difficult.

he hits. he spits. he throws his papers. he kicks other students. h fights us on everything.

that is until i cracked his code. i finally found out what he needed, and now, he is like a whole new child.

i started to ask questions about the kind of life dominick has at home. he is the youngest of 6 kids and has no one to talk to. i found out that his code was affection. he needed to be treated with love and kindness. he needed to be shown that he is special.

and now that i have shown him that he is special, that he is good....

he laughs and smiles and listens when we talk to him. he kisses me on the cheeks and says "i love you Mrs. Casey". he gives hugs and high fives and is actually helping the other students. he is the greatest.

i am growing to love him and care for him more and more each day. he makes me want to learn more and more so that i can make his life better with my education.

i am thankful that i have the job i do with the kids i do. i am thankful for every day.

true story.


molly june. said...

that is the coolest thing i've read all day. i LOVE to read into the heart of a teacher. that kid is SO LOVED! God had you in the exact spot you needed to be to crack his code just at the perfect time :) his life will probably be changed FOREVER because of your kindness to him. imagine if you hadn't come along, huh? SO COOL!

Celia G. said...

You're story reminds me so much of my experience with my little Ethan at work, he and Dominik sound so much alike, and we didn't have a breakthrough till I was able to crack his code. Working with these kiddos is tough but the rewards are amazing. They teach us so much more than we teach them :)