this week was harder than i thought it would be. who knew that glorious 4 day weekend would have taken such a negative toll on me?? i have such a hard time getting up in the morning, i mean, i hit the snooze an ungodly amount of times (sorry nay!). I just cant seem to muster up the energy to wake up and get ready, i mean, our bed is just so warm and our room is just so cold: not a good mix to get up in the morning. Not to mention that my sweet pup likes to get up with me- but then not go back to sleep when i leave, which keeps nay up.
what a hard week! haha i feel so silly saying this, i mean, i have a great husband to wake up next to, a cute dog who wakes me up, a cool place, a comfy bed...come on everyone, feel sorry for me!
on another note, i have asked nathan for one thing for christmas: i want him to learn my favorite christmas song, and play it for me....with words. only problem is, he doesnt know what my favorite song is. isnt that a weird request you may ask, well i have told the poor fellow what my favorite song is, he has just forgotten. So it is a double gift because he needs to figure out what my favorite song is, learn it, and play it for me christmas morning. sounds easy to me!
however, this is my way of throwing a bone out to my husband. if anyone can guess what my favorite christmas song is, and leave a comment, nay might be able to figure it out. so i will give you two songs to choose from. oh what fun!
1. winter wonderland
2. the christmas song
ok everyone, i will need full participation to help my darling husband! have a glorious week!
Um, the Christmas Song?! Hello! It has to be The Christmas Song. I mean it HAS TO BE. Are we kindred spirits or not? This is a pivotal moment in our RELATIONSHIP, forget your husband knowing you or not. C.Jones, it just HAS TO BE THE CHRISTMAS SONG. Have you ever SEEN those chords....major ninths and minor sevenths and all these descending bass lines? I mean, Winter Wonderland is okay, a little two part harmony and it moves you right along into yuletide feel goodies...but come on. COME ON DUDE. It's TCS right? RIGHT????
Dude. Christmas Song. If it isn't you should change it to the Christmas Song because it is awesome.
So, Joey and I might make a Christmas album; how disturbing is that? :)
I have given it more thought.
From time to time you are a bit of a non-traditionalist. Building a snowman in the meadow and walking in a winter wonderland and being happy tonight may just be the kind of non-conventional that blows your skirt up.
So, I just don't know.
But I need to know.
When are you going to post the answer?
I'm guessing you threw him a curve ball and forgot to add...
3. My Grown Up Christmas Wish
Thats what I think.
youre the gurrrl of my dreams... yet a pistol it seeeemsss.......
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