Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Harvard Doofus and Jesus

so i'm driving to work this morning, and a few things happened.

the first was that my car windows were so foggy i couldnt see anything, and i almost hit an old man. he turns to me and shakes his cane at me. SHAKES HIS CANE! like in the movies when the car chase goes past an old man and he shakes his cane at the speeding car. i was that speeding car. what a good start right?

the second thing is that this man a couple lanes away, was driving like an idiot. like one of those idiots that you want to call the cops on for being so impatient and selfish: swerving in and out of the lanes, cutting people off, speeding around, just all that crap. he gets in the lane next to me, and thinks he wants to get in front of me, but he cant decide- so he just rides in both lanes.

thats right bloggers of the world, he is in my lane and in his, no blinker, and just utterly conflicted. so i am sitting there, judging him, and i see his license plate holder thing says "harvard alumni" and that just makes my day. you mean to tell me that one of the greatest schools in the world, with the brightest minds, huge workloads, sleepless nights of studying and cramming, with these challenging and brilliant professors, cant teach this guy how to drive? priceless. anyway, the harvard doofus decides not to get in my lane, so he makes his way down the freeway in his range rover.

and the third thing is this.

now this isnt exactly what i saw, since i didnt take a picture, but it was along the same lines. the sun was so bright it was stinging my eyes, christmas carols singing to me from the radio, and this awesome sight. it was God telling me: calm down casey.

take a breath.

look what i have for you.

i planned this moment for you, and i want you to enjoy it. forget about the harvard doofus. forget about the crazy car chases with old men and oak canes being shaked in your direction. forget who you think you are for one second, and take a breath.

and i did.

it was calm and sweet, and i turned the music down so i could thank my God. the whole way to work i had this amazing view, and it was just this love note written in snow and puffy clouds. i wanted to drive until i hit those mountains. but alas, my exit came and i got off the freeway sitting in morning traffic, with those mountains behind me, but it was perfect.

those are the moments i want to put in boxes so i can show people. when i am telling nathan about my day i can just say "look in here! this is it! look at that view!" and he would get it. and we would show duke and he would just look at us like this:

he probably wouldnt look like this, i actually think he would try to eat it, but this is a great picture anyway.

anyway, look for mountains and snowy hills, it's great therapy. oh, also, look out for old men with canes, they have feelings too.


Cecedogs said...

Can I relate to your day. But you reminded me to "look to the hills from whence cometh my help!" - Psalm 121:1 - the hills gave me peace today! Thanks Casey. You rock! BTW - I loved the pix of Galump. He looks amazing! Much love - Cece

January Mamma said...

Isn't the weather just awesome this week? I LOVE IT!!!!! Ahh snow...I want it. I want to eat it; Duke's got the right idea.

Keep blogging lady, don't be selfish. We love it.