Wednesday, May 27, 2009


im not going to lie, i'm stalling.

our house is a total and complete mess. when we got back from alaska it was clean and neat, and now it is just...well gross.

and the worst part is that i was supposed to hang out with a friend last night but she has to cancel because she needed to stay home and clean the house: what a show off.

actually she's not which makes me dislike her even more. but back to the issue at hand, i am so determined not to clean the house, i took pictures of how dirty the house is, but wouldnt actually clean it.

isnt that just the best?!

i hope these pictures make you feel better about your house.

yes, that is an empty, open jar of peanut butter

those bottles of shampoo and conditioner, are in fact, empty

why yes, that is my bathing suit drying on the floor

like how we are using the FAN as a clothes holder???

the comet doesnt do so good just sitting on the counter...

this kitchen doesn't look grrrreeeeaaattt!
to be fair, after i took all these pictures i realized how awful our house really is, and will clean it later today.

i swear.


January Mamma said...

ahhh procrastination. it's a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

ahh it's just lived in. That's what I say.. :)

Anonymous said...

This makes me feel soooooooooo much better about Jessie's room. Thanks! Much love, Kim

Christine Lee Smith Photography said...

Yea! It's not just me... :)

Unknown said...

This is one of the most brilliant, kind things you could do for a friend. Thank you for making me feel normal ; )