i have written 3 full blogs and i just couldnt bring myself to press the "publish post" button. i just have all these thoughts and worries and feelings going on inside of me, i cant put it into words. i still dont have a grasp on all that is going on to hold on long enough to try and do it justice. i guess the main feeling i have is restlessness. i just feel so restless with where my life is and i feel like my accomplishments are so few and far between.
my life just feels so blah right now, i dont feel i have anything to offer anyone. i am disappointed with myself and angry that my life looks the way it does. that was the best attempt i had and giving you all a glimpse into my brain.
i dont know much right now, but i know these pictures make me feel better.

sometimes you just feel crappy. Can't help that girly.. just happens.. You will get out of your funk. Plus I think you have alot to offer people. I really love your pictures!! Keep looking at those.. it will help!
my comments should now work
I feel ya. I feel kind of the same as well these days. Maybe it is something they are putting in the water to control our minds...
Or maybe it is just the blues.
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