i have great friends.
friends who make waiting around all day fun. friends who dont complain that they are tired or not feeling well even when they are. friends who are just fun to be around no matter what is going on or how long we have waited.
yesterday we went to a taping of the Price is Right for my birthday. we had to get there at 12:00 p.m. and didnt even get to be on a taping until 4:00 p.m. we all waited and talked and got to know each other a little bit better.
we finally got on the show and clapped and cheered until our hands could clap no more, and even with a group of 22, none of us got picked to go on the show! can you believe that?! only at the end there was a prize given out to the audience and Justine got it. nice job jean!
here are some pictures of the day, we couldnt take cameras in there so these are just from before and after the event.
thank you all who came and made that day so great, seriously, you are all the best birthday presents ever.

Thanks again for the invite yesterday Casers. I can now take that off my "Bucket List" of things to do. Much love, Kim G.
I can't believe that they didn't pick you. That sucks! And seriously what is going on with Drew Careys hair lately? It's kinda creepin me out.
on june 26th we might all be on tv! :] thanks for planning it nay and casey!
That was really a great experience. Thank you guys for organizing it and making it so fun. You guys are awesome!
You guys look silly in that last picture.
oh shoot, did anybody tape the show????
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