once upon a time there were three pigeons, and they were wonderful friends. they lived in a time where there was a mean cat that ruled over them and made them bring her food whenever she wanted. so one day these three pigeons got together to make a plan to destroy the evil cat. one pigeon wanted to kill her, the other pigeon wanted to sing her to sleep forever, and the other pigeon wanted to kidnap the cat. they finally decided that they were going kill the cat, so one day they found that cat and BOOM! they killed her and took over the town, and they lived happily ever after.
that was the story that my husband told me the other night when i asked him to tell me a story as we were going to bed. i wasnt totally tired yet and we were just laying there giggling and being weird, when i asked him to tell me a story. he agreed sweetly and oddly enough it put me right to sleep: after i was done laughing my head off.
i would like to hope that things like that will happen throughout our marriage, and make our relationship that much stronger. kinder. sillier. i love being silly. i love whenever i watch the lion king, i just want to prowl around the house and get nathan to growl with me. i love that we get all silly right before were about to go to bed. i love that if nathan has a guitar in his hands and just strumming, he will make up a song abou
t me:
casey your making pasta
that doesnt make me want to hasta
your cooking is the best
makes me want to wear a vest
stuff like that makes our marriage. not the arguments. not the miscommunications. not the misunderstanding and fights that happen with any relationship. i believe that we can choose what makes our relationship, and i choose silly. i also think that it will be a constant battle to choose the silly and the joyful not the struggles, because honestly, it is sometimes easier to be mad and frustrated than it is to be vulnerable and funny.
this weekend was fun, but it was also a tough one for nathan and i. it felt like we were just missing each other: every time i was being silly, nathan was irritated, and every time he wanted to be funny or joke with me, i wasnt in the mood for that. it felt like we went through this the whole weekend until sunday night around 5 when we just sat down and talked about it. we were both being stupid and needed to get over the tiny misconceptions we had going on in our heads. and after we were done, it felt like the whole weight of the weekend was lifted and we could finally breathe. on the way to our friends house we were laughing and smiling and finally enjoying the weekend.
what a waste of a weekend.
i just hope we continue to choose silly.
and pigeons.