Friday, July 23, 2010


“A temptation arises: it is the wind. It disturbs you: it is the surging of the seas. This is the time to awaken Christ and let Him remind you of these words, “Who can this be? Even the wind and the waves obey him.”

as with any life or any relationship, there are waves. these waves are much the same of the waves brought to us by the great sea. they are powerful. they are expected, but when they knock you down, your surprised by their force and pressure. and most importantly, they are under estimated.

right now, nathan and i are in the waves. it feels like we are battling wave after wave, and we are exhausted. things that have never been issues before have turned into massive tsunamis that have invaded the happiness of our marriage. there are even things in our lives which have brought fruit and joy to us that are now turning into planks of wood used to rift us apart. these issues arent just affecting our marriage, they are eating away at us as people causing us to be short with our friends and the ones we love.

we are trying to be patient. we are trying to press into each other and find refuge in our love. we are trying and trying.

yet these waves, they just keep coming.

but i know that God will never give us more than we can take.

i know that we should rejoice in our trials, for the reward of our obedience is far greater than the despair of these waves.

these waves produce good soil and fruit, and will turn our garden of weeds into breathtaking beauty.

but for now all we have is waves.

and His promises.

although the waves are powerful, they offer no promise other than the promise of more. but God, He promises to care for us. to protect us. to take us through the storm.

i think it is beautiful that the God i love, the God i follow, He walks on waves.


Anonymous said...

Praying for calmer waters for you.
Kim G.

Anonymous said...

My friend, it has been a long time since I have commented and for that I am sorry.
But I want to tell you that you aren't alone. Every marriage goes through peaks and valleys. Never forget why you married each other. Never give up the fight. Because keeping a good marriage together is a fight, when there are so many things in this world that want to tear you apart. Praying for you! It will get better.