sunday is thrift store sunday.
it should be a national holiday, but instead it is the Lords day, and that is fine with me.
thrift store sunday originated when my husband, and my friends husband would gather at another one of our friends house and hang out. they would play video games, basketball, or watch whatever game happened to be on at the time.
well, being as how i'm not good at any sport on dry land and that my video game talents stop and end at super nintendo, i was no use to those guys. plus, its good for the guys together and do manly things, and for me and the other wives to go find some cute clothes and stuff for our houses at discounted prices.
it is so lovely when we can leave a store and know that we won. our wallets still possess the sweet smell of dollar bills, but our trunks quickly become full. yesterday i won. i went out alone looking for some fine home furnishings as an after christmas gift to myself, and found some buried treasure in the isles of my local goodwill.
vintage green pitcher

coffee decals for the kitchen
floral tray...yummy
in addition to these glorious finds, i also found a nice pair of gap jeans AND a cute little basket for our mail. how much for all this loot you wonder?
it's a glorious thing to walk into a store and actually find something that you love for only $3.99 or $1.99.
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