i know that sounds funny, but it's true. i mean, i remember at all of the important times, (like when gross college guy asks for my phone number, when doing taxes, and on our anniversary) but during the mundane everyday stuff, i forget.
i forget because it feels like i have been with nathan forever.
like a fish. does it forget it's a fish? no! it doesnt even think if it might be something else, it just is. same goes for me.
i just am.
i was born to be married to nathan. i swear, God knew how neurotic i would be and so he made nathan extra patient and considerate. He knew nathan would be bad at talking to people we want to adopt a bulldog from (long story) so He made me good at adapting with people. He knew, He always knows.
the reason i bring up the whole 'forgetting i'm married' thing is because last night nay and i had a date night, and i forgot we were married. it felt like dating again. we held sweaty hands and laughed at dumb jokes and couldnt have cared less that we saw the jonas brothers walking by.
who cares about the jonas brothers when you're with the person Jesus hand-crafted for you??
we concluded our date night by sitting on our couch eating pita and hummus while talking and watching how i met your mother. it was the best night i've had in a long time.
and it might sound silly, but it was a gift.
from the One who always gives.
words can not to justice the thanks i have in my heart that He gave me nay.
1 comment:
You two are perfect for each other. I am so inspired by your marriage and I am excited to be a Godly woman like you, and one day maybe an awesome wife too :) Thanks for breathing and stuff.
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