this past weekend was not spent with hands deep in the earth doing yard work or lazy days of movies and catching up on our favorite shows.
cough, cough (park and recreation, the office, csi) cough, cough.
but it was spent on the couch. doing homework. ugh.
a 10 page paper. varies discussion posts for my online classes, 25 homework questions for my statistics class, a 2 page review of one of my textbooks, oh and a MIDTERM!
it was insane.
luckily nathan so graciously picked up where i left off and did laundry, washed dishes, and even cleaned up the pit of doom. thats what we nicknamed our room this week because it was dreadful.
i just sat on our stupid (but comfy) couch and did assignment after assignment. and once one was done i would start to get distracted and want to go outside for some good ol' vitamin D, but my laptop would just sit there judging me.
so i kept going.
i kept going until i had to go to school today, and believe you me, i'm exhausted. it's only 7:15 p.m. and i'm wondering when i can get into my p.j.'s and not be judged.
oh well, it's over and thats all that i need to know for right now.
on another note, i have been suffering from a repressed green thumb. ever since we bought our house i have been aching to plant flowers and fruit trees and veggies, but with all the other stuff we are doing back there, planting seems to be the last thing on that list.
so since i cant go to the dirt, i decided to bring the dirt to me. they had these little guys in the dollar bin at target, and since i am in such a desperate state for anything that can grow, i gave in and bought three.
parsley, basil, and chives

they sit on my window sill and i look at them everyday in amazement that these green things springing up from the dirt are now alive. what was once dry seeds in a paper bag are now green plants growing on my windowsill.
and they sit there and remind me that i too am growing. i too was once dead but am now sprouting new growth in areas that have once been desolate.
pruning my branches to make room for new growth.
here is to hoping that your branches are starting to sprout and winter hasnt left you too bare.