yesterday went a little something like this:
6:50 am- wake up (late)
7:30 am- At work picking up my littles from the bus
7:31 am-11:45 am- work with the littles
12:00 pm- get home from work and get ready to work with nathan
1:00 pm- on my first job setting drape with nathan
1:45 pm- on our way to our next job in (wait for it) SANTA BARBRA!!
4:30 pm- get to our job in Santa Barbra
6:30 pm- walk to the pier for a delicious dinner with my bear
7:30 pm- back on the road headed home
10:00 pm- get home and immediately crash and have a delightfully wonderful sleep
yesterday was EXHAUSTING. some of you might be wondering why I went to work with nathan, and you should be curious. nathan is in the business of hanging drape for fancy parties, weddings, BET awards, the president, Academy Awards, MTV music awards and so on and so fourth. he had to do a job for some conference but the job was all the way out in Santa Barbra and nay asked his boss if he could take me with him since the drive would be so long, and guess what, his boss said yes!

it was awesome. i got a chance to see what nathan does at work (i had an idea but didnt know just how amazing he is).
seriously, he is so professional with the clients and works so hard. by the first 15 minutes, nay was dripping sweat and trying to teach me how to take the crossbars down. he was super patient with me, helped me to get the dolly up and down stairs, and was an amazing trainer. i was seriously so impressed working with him.
on our 3 hour ride home, i got to thinking about it, and i think God put me on that job with nathan for a reason. it was such a blessing to be able to see just how hard nathan works for his family. to see that he is an honest and hard working man, whose integrity hasnt been clouded by dollar signs. he is kind and patient and goes above and beyond to make sure the job is done.
what a blessing it is to be married to a man like that.