it has been a while since i have blogged. life is getting so crazy.
this week is finals week, and even as i write this, i should be studying for the second part of my math final. i'm not, of course, and i am listening to Phil Wickham while i write for you good people.
ok, now for some news:
*we are starting on some intense projects in the coming weekends. anyone feel like doing some backbreaking work for your favorite blogger?
*finals will be done today!
*in about a month we are going to New York for Nate's sisters wedding.
*i have permanent assignments at work, which is HUGE.
*i'll be 24 soon.
*nay and i have been married 3 1/2 years! crazy!
*by the way, i seriously, absolutely, without a doubt love my job.
*nathan joined a basketball league on monday nights. i love cheering him on.
*i have brown hair now...i like it better. i think...
*i have been missing some friends lately.
I hate how when things get busy, because they will get busy, you lose touch with people. i hate that the hours fly by faster and the thoughts to call them has come and gone and you dont remember until right before bed when your falling asleep that you didnt call them. you forgot to tell them that you have been missing them. you forgot to mention life isnt as fun when they arent around.
life is lonely when your busy.
thank goodness life will get substantially less busy after today when school is over. i cant believe i made it through this week. i have my husband to thank for that, he keeps me sane. seriously. also, he is a great flashcard quizzer, so if any of you are in need, let me know, i'll loan him to you for a fair price.
ok, now i really need to get to studying logarithms, percents and statistics so i can take this final and be DONE and go to a Victory Dinner with my better looking other half (nathan).
love to you all.