Saturday, January 30, 2010


on monday i start my last semester at a community college.


the more that i have been thinking about it, the more at ease i am becoming with my journey for higher education. at first, i was so disappointed with myself that it has taken me so long to finish. friends that are younger than me have their degrees, and i was getting really down on myself for taking such a long time.

but now, things are different. i wouldnt change my life for anything in the world. the marriage that i have is because i took so much time away from school and actually worked on my marriage. we grew together and learned how to be married (and still learning) and i would much rather have a good marriage than a degree any day of the week.

so, this next semester will be a crazy one, but will also be one filled with joy and accomplishment. i will finally be outta there! (insert the end of Aladdin here)

also, work has been such a huge blessing. friends of mine have informed me that i tend to give up on things when they get hard (not big things, mostly just little things) and i almost gave up on my job working with special needs kids because of just how grueling it is. but, i have stuck it out and have really been learning volumes about me, and my character, and the beauty of people. i am finding that my heart is expanding, and i am learning to love in a way that i never knew possible, seeing past the stigmas and the burdens that come with loving another human being.

i dont know if this makes sense, but it all is fitting together like puzzle pieces in my mind. i feel like i am getting glimpses of what i was designed to do, and that feeling is making me fall more in love with my God.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


a lot has happened since the last post:

-school starts in a week.
-I am actually working now (hooray)
-my mom and I are going to a small group together
-we are getting closer and closer to get a house
-have been married a little over 3 years

all of these things have been wonderful and a joy and we have been thanking God for every moment of this journey.

when we were engaged, people really wanted us to wait until we were older and told us to get our lives together, but those 5 things listed above are things that we get to do as a married couple. we get to experience this life together instead of separately, and cant imagine our lives any other way.

life has been a blessing, and even if it wasnt, we would still be thankful.

(also, i just got back from the thrift store and bought a pair of jeans, a SUPER cute shirt, and a soft hoodie for $11. life really is good!)