that may not seem like a big deal to most people, but for us, it's different.
nathan and i have dated since he was 16 and i was 14. sure, we had a few, how can i put this gently, awful relationships in between, and the joke amongst our friends is "how many times did you break up?" or if i am telling a story about us they say "now which time was this?". we havent spent ALL of those years together, but we have been in each others lives since then, in some way or another. i am so glad that i have known nathan since he was this cute teenager with blue bi-hawks and a thousand patches.
he is now a man.
a man that i have grown with, learned from, taught, worked with, served with, cried with, prayed with. we have experienced so much, it is breaks my heart to even think of what my life would be like if i married someone else.
as i write this he is doing the dishes from dinner, with huge headphones on, dancing around our kitchen acting like, well nathan.
in honor of nathans 25th birthday, i thought i would write 25 things about my man:
1. he's the most musically talented man i know, but he has no rhythm. like none at all.
2. he is covered with tattoos but i can still see all his freckles.
3. he always does the dishes after i cook.
4. he thinks i'm a good cook. (what a saint)
5. i LOVE the way he loves our dog, his heart gets bigger every day
6. he loves good steak, but mainly eats pasta or taco bell
7. he always orders the same thing at every place we go. always
8. the only exception to rule #7 is when we get donuts in the morning. the only exception.
9. he has the biggest heart i have ever known.
10. people just love him. i mean really love him; with good reason.
11. he is so respectful towards everyone
12. he giggles
13. he loves watermelon jellybeans and has me pick them out for him
14. he drinks about 3 cans of soda a day, it's actually really bad
15. he doesnt know any words to songs: just the timing and stuff like that
16. his showers are literally about 5 minutes long
17. he helps my parents with the iPod and computer needs, and is super loving about it
18. loves how excited i get, even though he doesnt get excited. unless it's about music.
19. sometimes will buy me flowers for no reason
20. likes to hold pinkies instead of hands
21. is good at everything he does. it's disgusting.
22. is a truly amazing teacher
23. hates shopping but takes FOREVER in a store
24. hates dancing- like me
25. thinks poop is funny- like me
thats my man.
he's so great.